This report was completed in 2023 and identifies invasive species in Silver Lake. The newly created CLEAN weed management taskforce is investigating options for further study and mitigation.
Recommendations for Silver Lake (from the report below): Due to the widespread nature of Eurasian watermilfoil and curly-leaf pondweed, treatment of these species is not recommended at this time unless chemical control is found to be a potential option for treatment of Silver Lake necessary for improving recreational access, which is being impaired at certain areas of the lake. European frogbit is an emerging species in the region, and it appears to be currently managed by NYS Parks staff through manual removal efforts. It is recommended that this control effort continue for potential eradication of the species. If it is not being managed currently, the DEC AIS Strike Team would be able to conduct this removal. Additionally, spread prevention should be a high priority for Silver Lake, as it is a lake that experiences heavy recreational use. It is recommended that a boat steward be placed at the boat launch on high volume days and/or ensuring an AIS disposal station/signage is present to encourage users to Clean, Drain, and Dry and prevent AIS introductions
The (Perry Agriculture Environmental Science) PAGES Group was created in 2019 by Mark Mancari and Todd Shuskey (RSA NYS Teacher of the Year!) with the goal to engage students in authentic learning experiences focusing on local science phenomena using novel and state of the art technology. The students monitor lake health by analyzing samples of the lake bottom, water and plant life. Check out their website for interesting information about the lake and their findings.
CLEAN partner Todd Shuskey, RSA of New York State's Teacher of the Year, and his students at Perry High School have published their latest Silver Lake Report highlighting:
These are all measures of lake health and vitality.
TODD SHUSKY'S 2023-2024 Silver Lake Summary Data (pdf)
Download PDFThe Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) is a volunteer lake monitoring and education program that the DEC contracts with the New York State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA) to administer. CSLAP is one of the longest running, continuous programs of its kind in the nation. Each participating lake association is a member of NYSFOLA, a not-for-profit coalition of lake associations and others interested in lake management.
NYSFOLA was founded in 1983 and presently serves over 200 lake associations as well as individual and corporate members.
FX Browne Reports and lake monitoring reports from SUNY Geneseo
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